Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cinderella Man

Although this was the second time I have watched Cinderella Man, each of the fights that Jim Braddock fought in still left me on the edge of my seat. The director uses a variety of different things to keep you on edge throughout the movie. Whether it be slowing down the punches and showing Jim's hand or ribs brake, it always left me wondering if Jim was going to make it to the end of the fight. When the director bases the movie off the actual life of Jim Braddock it makes the movie more credible and more entertaining to anyone that watches it.

The first time that I saw the movie I rented it and watched it on a plasma television, however the second time I watched a pirated version of it off some Chinese website. The two environments are considerably different and vastly different than a movie theater. When our text book mentions that the film-viewing environment plays a large role in how one perceives and reacts to a movie, it isn’t lying. I feel that if I was to have watched Cinderella Man in a theater with stadium seating and surround sound, I would have been able to view this movie in a sharper clarity and felt like I was more involved in the movie. Having surround sound and a larger screen would have added to the overall experience of Cinderella Man. Although there are negatives from watching a movie at home instead of in theaters, there are some positives. Being that I watched the movie on a pirated site means I didn’t have to pay to rent the movie or pay the expensive movie fee to see it in theaters. Another positive was that I wasn’t bugged by people leaving to go to the bathroom nor by anyone’s cell phone going off. Overall I feel that for one to get the best understanding of a movie they would have to see it in theaters.

The next section of our text book was concentrated on the theme and focus of a movie. In Cinderella Man, I believe the main theme was centered on the life of Jim Braddock, a legendary boxer during the Great Depression. I also feel that an underlying theme in the movie was used to show just how bad people struggled and had it during those times. I also feel that this movie shows more than just one of the four major elements of focus. I feel that even though the movie is part of the character element, it also at times shows a focus on the emotional effect or mood. It shows the element of character because it is based on the life of Jim Braddock. The qualities that set him apart from other characters in the movie are that he is very likable and many people look to him as a glimmer of hope in the rough times they face. He was an extreme underdog against the cocky defending heavyweight champion Max Baer, but he defied all odds and beat him in a fight that went the distance. He ended up winning the fight with a unanimous decision. Jim is the character that seems to bring the whole movie together and is an inspiration to everyone during the tough times. I also feel that there is a focus on the emotional effect and mood of the movie. A very sad and emotional part of the movie comes when Jim has had to send his kids away to Mae’s sister’s house and they are without any heat in their home. Running short of money and with no steady work on the docks, Jim heads to Madison Square Garden to ask for money from Mr. Johnston and his trainer Joe Gould. The reason this scene is so emotional is because at the beginning of the movie Jim is a well known and well paid boxer, but now he has been reduced to what people believe is a "washed up boxer" that is struggling to pay the electricity and heat bill. I believe the director uses this to show people that no matter who you were before the depression, anyone can be effected by it. Another point in which the movie focuses on emotional effect is when Jim is introduced for the fight against Max Baer and the crowd is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. As he enters the area, everyone stands and stares before they erupt with a standing ovation and a hero’s welcome. This is an example completely different than the last one I referred to. In this example it is very emotional because the director shows that even though Jim is a five to one underdog, everyone wants him to win. The significant statement that I believe this film is making, is that even though the depression was rough and extremely difficult, many people didn’t just give up because they had people like Jim Braddock to look up to and be their glimmer of hope in the harsh times.

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